Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Really Works - The Fundamentals Of Strength

What Really Works - The Fundamentals Of Strength

It seems like the debates over effective resistance training program design will never end. Throughout my career as a trainer I have studied and implemented countless strength and hypertrophy regimens. What always intrigued me was that so many of these programs promote what appeared to be completely antagonistic training philosophies! One guru will insist that only high volume training is ideal for muscle growth, while another expert declares that low volume, high intensity training is the key. Other routines were so convoluted that you would spend more time contemplating the complex variations therein than actually training! This is called “analysis paralysis”.

What became apparent, however, was that despite all of the conflicting information, the most effective programs typically share common elements and principles. Rather than focusing on the different theories, it will serve you better to look at the big picture: the fundamentals. The intention of this article is to present the most effective training principles in a simple and clear fashion. If you design your next program based on these basic concepts, you will get results. When it comes to training for size and strength, this is “What Really Works”:

1. Use Progressive Overload:

This is the most basic and one of the most important principles. Muscles grow bigger and stronger as they adapt to stress. Therefore, you need to progressively overload your muscles each week either by lifting moderately more weight, exerting more force, or performing more repetitions with the same weight. This is why it is so important to record your progress and write down your training goals.

2. Use compound, multi-joint, free weight exercises:

Basic, big pushing and pulling movements such as variations of the deadlift, squat, lunge, power clean, overhead press, chest press, row and pull-up involve more muscles, larger muscle groups, more resistance and greater Neuro-Muscular Activation (NMA) than isolation movements. Generally, the more of your body you involve in the exercise and move through space, the greater the NMA. By this reasoning, a heavy weighted dip would be more productive than a heavy decline press, and pull-ups are superior to pull downs, for example. These exercises not only produce greater increases in size and strength in a shorter period of time, but they also stimulate the production of higher levels of growth hormone in your body. In addition, by training destabilized (free weights vs. machines) you are involving more of your small intrinsic muscles.

3. Use Ground Based Exercises:

This idea ties in with the above principle. When possible, choose to train in a standing or ground based position rather than seated or lying. This alone will make the exercise much more functional, and more challenging! Compare the seated overhead press to a standing military press; or seated rows to bent-over barbell rows. There is also typically a greater involvement of your core muscles with ground based exercises.

4. Train your CORE:

Some define their core as only their abdominals; I look at the “core” musculature as your entire midsection, including your abs (rectus abs, tranverse abs, obliques), spinal erector muscles (quadratus lumborum, longissimus, spinalis, multifidus, iliocostalis), and glutes. Considering this, you should incorporate exercises to target each of these main areas. I recommend starting your workout with some core isometrics, to activate these muscles in order to facilitate a stronger workout and prevent injury. The basics are the plank, the side plank, the bridge, and the lying back extension. Then I finish each workout with a different isotonic core exercise.

Of course, if you are using the big, multi-joint exercises I suggested above, your core muscles are being challenged during the rest of your workout as well. By using functional, free weight, ground based, compound movements, you are involving your entire midsection to a huge extent. I also strongly advise against using any belts, wraps or straps during most of your regular training, as this can decrease the involvement of the important core stabilizers. These training accessories should be reserved for maximum lift attempts and competition, unless otherwise indicated for specific injuries.

5. Train with Balance:

I have written entire articles on the topic of ‘balance’: balancing rest and training; training different energy systems in balance; having balance in your life. It is an important subject, not to be overlooked. For now, let’s look at the following aspects of balance:

• Include stability training & unilateral (single leg, arm) movements:

Incorporate some exercises that force you to balance on one leg or stabilize a weight with one arm, such as step ups, lunges, single arm press, etc. Working with odd objects such as kegs or sandbags also create a greater demand on your stabilizers and place a new stress on your body, leading to new results. These types of movements will increase the strength of your weaker side and develop your proprioceptive ability.

• Balance the volume of training for (and the strength of) agonist and antagonist (opposing) muscle groups:

This is an important principle for increasing strength, size, NMA, and preventing injuries. Basically, you want to balance the workload on both your pushing and pulling movements. The force and speed you can generate in a press or a throw is largely affected by the ability of the antagonist muscles to eccentrically stabilize the joint. If you cannot control deceleration, you can’t accelerate to your full potential.
Research has also demonstrated that one can recuperate faster by performing a set for an antagonist muscle group between sets. This is known as Push-Pull Supersets, such as super-setting rows and chest presses, or pull-ups and overhead presses. It has been shown to maintain strength between sets, as well as stimulate hypertrophy.

• Work on Your Muscular Imbalances:

Muscle tension and joint pain is often due to compensation for joint instability or weakness in another muscle. This is where isolation exercises come into play. You need to train your weak links in isolation before you can incorporate them into a movement pattern. Otherwise, your dominant muscles will continue to compensate, leading to further muscular imbalances. Prime examples of common weak links are the posterior deltoids, external rotator cuff, lower trapezius, glute medius, vastus medialus, and often some core muscles.
Having said that, it is my opinion that in most cases it is a waste of time to perform an entire workout using only isolation exercises for small muscle groups (unless you are in a prehab / rehabilitation program). For example, a one hour workout just for “arms” is completely impractical. Each workout should stimulate a majority of target muscle groups with fewer exercises. Think of training movements, not muscles.

“Functional training” (integrated exercise) will only reinforce compensatory patterns if the weak links are not first identified and eliminated.”
— Greg Roskopf, MA, founder Muscle Activation Techniques

6. Incorporate Strongman Implement Training:

Strongman training and odd object lifting is great for improving a trainee’s General Physical Preparedness (GPP) and stimulating new neural muscular recruitment patterns. Exercises such as sled dragging, farmers walk, keg pressing, thick bar lifts and sandbag carries increase the use of muscles that may not be challenged with a barbell alone. There is also a huge stimulus placed on your ‘core’ musculature and your smaller joint stabilizers with this type of training.
In fact, strongman training ties in directly with most of the principles listed above (#2,3,4 & 5)! It involves compound, functional, ground based movements that strengthen your core and build balance. Strongman training is a fun and effective way to make your workout more productive, and is easy to incorporate into your regular training program. Give it a shot.

7. Incorporate Speed and Explosiveness Training:

To maximize your strength potential you need to develop more ‘powerful’ muscles as well. In order to generate more power you will need to incorporate speed training into your program, in addition to pure strength training. (Power equals Force X Speed). Activities such as plyometric drills, sprint training, sled dragging, and Olympic Weightlifting type exercises are very effective. This also helps to prepare your body for the unexpected dynamic stresses that can occur in daily life and competition. A great strength coach once said, “Life is Ballistic. Train for it.”

8. Use a Method of Periodization:

For long term progress you will benefit from following some method of program periodization. A very general definition of periodization is that it is a training scheme with planned phases of varied intensity, volume, speed, and exercise selection, etc. The popular Western method is known as linear periodization, which divides the different aspects of strength training into separate phases over time, but it has many limitations. Conjugated periodization is a very effective method with shorter phases, wherein you train many aspects of strength (such as max strength and dynamic strength) during the same weekly program. This is the method used by Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell Club. There are other variations (such as pendulum training), but I will not embark on a lengthy explanation at this point. However, I do encourage you to study periodization and adopt a method that makes sense to you.

9. Variation:

Most people understand that training load should be progressively increased, but few seem to understand that the training stimulus must also be progressively and periodically varied to continually stimulate your body and nervous system to adapt.
If you keep doing the same workouts with the same exercises in the same order, with the same set and rep scheme, your body will get used to it and your progress will diminish. Therefore you must regularly change things up to stimulate your body to adapt to the new stress by growing bigger and stronger. Incorporate different rep ranges (i.e.: lower reps for max strength or speed training, moderate rep range for hypertrophy and higher reps for endurance) and change your primary exercises at least every 3-6 weeks. A properly designed periodization program, such as the Westside method, will accommodate for this.

10. Get Enough Rest:

Muscles grow while at rest, not while you are training. The resistance exercise is the stimulus for growth, but your sleep, rest and nutrition facilitates the hypertrophy to take place. In general, most active people need at least 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night, dependant on their diet, training intensity, daily activity level, stress, etc. Note that I emphasized “quality sleep”; more than 8 hours may in fact be necessary for adequate recovery.
As far as rest during the workout is concerned, you will need more rest between sets for heavy, maximum effort lifting (i.e.: 2 to 4 minutes), and less rest between sets for lighter speed or endurance work (i.e.: 60 to 90 seconds). In general, the more intense the set, the more rest is needed between sets. If you don't rest long enough your lactic acid levels can interfere with your performance on the next set.
Also, more is not better when it comes to the duration of your workout. If you can keep your resistance training session between 30 and 90 minutes, you can take advantage of a natural boost to your growth hormone levels at the end of your workout. This can greatly enhance recovery. However, training for too long can cause a drop in your natural anabolic levels and interfere with your recovery, leaving you feeling drained and weak.

11. Follow a healthy, intelligent nutrition plan:

In order to achieve optimal results you need to provide your body with high quality ‘building materials’ and fuel. Here are some very basic nutritional guidelines:

• Consume about 1 gram of protein for each pound of lean bodyweight per day.

• Eat 4 to 6 smaller meals per day.

• Choose less starchy foods, with a lower glycemic index.

• Drink at least 1 liter of water for every 50 pounds of body weight per day.

• Eat a balance of nutritious foods, including fruits and vegetables.

• Include “essential fats” (EFA’s) in your diet every day.

• Focus on “whole food”, but recognize that often nutritional supplements are recommended.

• Eat soon after exercising.

• Gradually increase your caloric intake as you gain more muscle tissue.

• Don’t eat a heavy meal right before going to sleep.

• Reduce consumption of simple sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and saturated fats.

Make sense? Good.

12. Flexibility:

It is important to maintain healthy range of motion (ROM) around your joints, but most people aren’t familiar with active or dynamic stretching and don’t use effort to control the extreme stretch positions. Unfortunately, passive stretching (using force to push or pull further into the stretch) is still the most frequently used; although there is growing evidence to question it’s effectiveness or safety. As I mentioned before, muscle tightness is usually secondary to muscle weakness. By strengthening the weak links you will also increase your flexibility. By contrast, if you force a passive stretch (without engaging the muscles involved) you could decrease joint stability even further, increasing the risk of future injury. Even though there is research demonstrating the limited benefit to passive stretching, many old school coaches and trainers still argue in favor of its use.

My advice on What Really Works for improving flexibility is to begin your workout with a dynamic warm-up, including dynamic “stretches” such as high knees, butt kicks, walking lunges, bodyweight squats, and arm circles, and then finish your workout with active range of motion stretches, engaging your muscles to actively hold the stretch positions. At the very least, do not use passive stretching before working out! These stretches dampen the nervous system and relax the muscles, decreasing your ability to safely move weight.


I hope you will find this information helpful in designing a very effective size and strength training program. Keep in mind that I have provided you with only a brief overview of these training principles and I encourage you to research these ideas further. I will also be elaborating on these topics in my future articles.

If you are not familiar with some of the information I have presented, don’t be afraid to try something new. Remember, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” Futility is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. Have an open mind.

Keep your mind on your goals and keep the faith that you will achieve them.

You are invited to contact Josh Hewett if you have any questions or are interested in a training program. Check out his websites at:


Josh Hewett is a personal trainer and strength & conditioning specialist with Top Form Fitness. He also coaches and competes with Team Barbarian Strength Athletics.


Josh holds a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, as well as personal training qualifications from several agencies including CanFitPro. He is a qualified personal training specialist and competitive strength athlete with over 14 years of involvement in the health and fitness industry including employment, academic, competitive, and volunteer experience. Whether your goal is to improve your health and fitness, excel at your sport or hobby, or to recover from an injury, Josh is prepared to motivate and guide you toward reaching your objective.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Causes and Treatments of Rotator Cuff Injury

What is an injury to the rotator cuff?

An injury of the rotator cuff is a stretch or tear of a group of tendons and muscles that support
the shoulder and help it move.

How does it occur?

An injury to the rotator cuff can be inflicted by:

• Poor posture of the head and shoulders, especially in elderly people.
• useing the arm to cushion a fall
• falling on the arm
• lifting a heavy object
• normal wear and tear (usually in elderly people).
• lifting the arm above your head repeatedly. Usually when practicing a sport such as swimming,
baseball (especially pitchers), football and tennis, which gradually damaging the tendon.
• Doing labour which consists of repeatedly lifting your arm over your head (such as painting,
plastering walls, sweeping leaves or even cleaning the house).

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of a tear in the rotator cuff are:

• A sore arm and shoulder.
• A weak shoulder.
• Sensitivity in the shoulder.
• A loss of movement in the shoulder, especially when the arm is lifted.

How is it diagnosed?

Your doctor will perform a physical exam of the shoulder to see if you have pain, tenderness and loss of movement. He will also inquire whether the pain occurred suddenly or gradually. It is possible that he will recommend an X-ray to eliminate the possibility that a bone was fractured.

Depending on the results, the doctor can decide on further analysis or procedures, either immediately or later, such as:

• A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), giving an image of the shoulder and the surrounding
structure through radio waves (sometimes simple ultrasound test will suffice.
• artrograma, which is an X-ray or MRI that is taken after a dye injection into the joint to
highlight the soft tissue structures
• an arthroscopy, which is a surgical procedure in which a small camera is inserted into the
shoulder joint so that the doctor can examine the rotator cuff.

How is it treated?

A shoulder tendon can be inflamed, partially torn or completely torn. Treatment will depend on the severity of the injury and patient discomfort or disability. Note that If the tear is small, it can heal itself

The treatment plan may include:

•Learning to improve your posture.
• Resting the shoulder, or avoiding any activity that causes intense pain.
• Icing the shoulder at least once per day, and preferably two or three times per day.
• Doing stretching exercises to prevent stiffness in the shoulder.
• Doing physiotherapy in order to stretch the shoulder and strenghten the rotator cuff.
• Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
• Taking steroid shots.
• Surgery.

How long will it take to recover?

The complete recovery of the injury depends on the type of tear and treatment. Usually, if the tear is minor or the tendon is only inflamed a period of 4 to 6 weeks should be expected.

However, each person recovers from his injury at a different pace. The return to the level of activity previously undertaken will depend on the recovery of the shoulder and not on how many days or weeks have passed since the injury occurred.

In general, the longer you wait before starting treatment, the longer it will take to heal.
The goal of rehabilitation is to allow the patient to regain his normal activities as soon as possible.

Normal activities can be resumed safely when:

• The injured shoulder can be moved in all directions without pain.
• The injured shoulder has regained its normal strength, compared with the other shoulder.

What can be done to prevent the injury recur?

The best way to prevent injury or to prevent recurring injuries is by strengthening the muscles of the rotator cuff (Rotator Cuff strengthening exercises).

What are the best exercises?

• Start by reading my previous posts and check regularly for more information and updates.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Basic Rotator Cuff Srengthening Exercises

To begin with, let's review the very BASIC Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises:

External rotattion lying down:

External + internal rotation sanding up WITHOUT weights:

External + Internal rotation Sanding up WITH weights:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rotator Cuff Strengthening after injury

The injured shoulder should be at rest from the activities that caused the problem and causing the pain. The implementation of intermittent ice towel on the injured shoulder and non steroidal anti-inflammatory (e.g. Voltaren) help reduce pain and inflammation.

Step 2 (don’t wait to long) should be the rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Start with the basic (as presented in my previous posts) then gradually introduce more exercises.

If pain persists or if severe pain prevents you from doing the required rotator cuff strengthening exercises, you could consider an injection of steroids directly to the injured tendon which effectively reduces pain and inflammation which will allow you to start an effective therapy strengthening therapy.

In rare cases surgery will be necessary. The usual incidents are where the rotator cuff has suffered a complete rupture or if symptoms persist despite a conservative therapy. Surgery can effectively remove bone spurs and inflamed tissue around the shoulder.

The small breaks or tears can be treated with arthroscopic surgery. The newest techniques allow even large tears are repaired in arthroscopic, although some of these big tears requiring open surgery to repair the torn tendon.

Prognosis (Successful healing):

Most people fully recover after a combination of medication, physiotherapy and injections of steroids. In patients with tendonitis and a bone spur, arthroscopic surgery is very effective in restoring the level of activity they had before the injury.

People who have a ruptured rotator cuff tend to improve, although the results depend highly on the size and length of the rupture or tear, as well as the age and level of functioning prior to the injury.


Complete rupture of the rotator cuff

We recommend consulting with your doctor if pain persists and if the symptoms do not improve with ordinary treatment.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The 3 Most Dangerous Affects Of Improper Weight Training Form

Most Dangerous Affect 1: Injury

I bet you are saying wow there is a shocker... I mean pretty obvious right? Yeah well if it is so obvious then why do people consistently use improper form with way too much momentum swinging? It gets to the point sometimes... you begin to wonder when some peoples joints are just going to break.

Proper form during weight and strength training allows you to use the proper muscle movement, joint movement, and proper activation of the neuromuscular system. The neuromuscular system is how your nervous system and your muscular system work together.

If your neuromuscular system is not working correctly, then the muscles you recruit to perform certain tasks are the wrong muscles. You risk injury and permanent detrimental functions of your joints.

Good form that is practiced, like anything that is practiced, will prove to make you stronger and less prone to injuries... especially injuries in your joints.

Most Dangerous Affect 2: Programming Joint Movement

That is correct, just like programming and computer, forming new habits, or breaking old habits... proper form will program proper joint movement and efficient muscle use in your body.

Yeah all of that from good form.

Just like practicing good form and making a good habit, poor form will make a habit and that forces your body to recruit secondary or isometric muscles to do the work of the primary muscles.

This opens the body to injury, cumulative trauma, poor training technique, poor results, lack of core strength, and lack of neuromuscular efficiency.

The key to help get things back on track is practicing flexibility. With proper flexibility training, you will be able to regain your proper form and then make that a habit. Flexibility is all about working the muscles that are being under used so your muscle efficiency is on target.

Most Dangerous Affect 3: Poor Results

This has already been touched on, but this is so important because this is what you are weight training for. Would you do anything if results never showed up?

I know I wouldn't.

Luckily we get results and if we work hard and practice proper form, we get results fast! When proper form is practiced, you now know that you work with neuromuscular efficiency, which will help your body to fire the muscles it truly needs.

That easily breaks down into one concept... results. When you are using the proper muscles you will be build muscle properly and that will also in turn strengthen your joints. When you joints are stronger, you will be less likely to sustain an injury and you can perform better.

That is the way to weight and strength train and that is the way to get results. To learn proper form, I highly suggest you take a week or two... especially if you are new to weight training... and practice your form with very little weight.

Keep doing it until you feel you have got the form down for the different exercises. Then you can start to add some weight... watch how you feel better and kick butt in the gym. The results will show!

Dan Boyle has been working on his form for over 7 years. He walked the fitness walk and weight training walk ever since the beginning of his high school career. Finally years after college and realizing that he has some great experience and lessons to share, he hopes to help you reach your goals faster! His blog is dedicated to you and your weight training goals so to further learn how to achieve proper form, visit... http://www.liftingrevolution.com/blog

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises and Surgery Have Similar Outcomes for Rotator Cuff injuries

According to the results of a randomized trial published in the May issue of the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, rotator cuff surgery and rotator cuff strengthening exercises have similar outcomes for patients with rotator cuff injuries.

The study states that:

"The anatomical basis for impingement is a mismatch between the structures in the subacromial space…The evidence supporting the superiority of subacromial decompression (surgery) relative to specific rotator cuff strengthening exercises has been unconvincing."

The study took place in a hospital setting, where 90 consecutive patients fulfilling a set of diagnostic criteria for rotator cuff disease, including a positive impingement sign, were randomized either to undergo surgery or therapy with specific rotator cuff strengthening exercises, to strengthen the shoulder stabilizers and decompressors.

The age range was 18 to 55 years, and symptom duration was between six months and three years. Outcome measures were shoulder function score and a pain and dysfunction score.

Of the 90 patients enrolled, 84 completed 12-month follow-up, including 41 in the surgery group and 43 in the rotator cuff strengthening exercises group.

When comparing the healing scores between the group treated with the specific rotator cuff strengthening exercises and the group treated with surgery, by measuring actual improvement in pain and dysfunction, the results where staggering.

The healing factor scores of the group which was treated with the specific rotator cuff strengthening exercises was 15% better than the group treated with surgery.

In their conclusion, the researchers stated that:

"Surgical treatment of rotator cuff syndrome (including impingement) was not superior to specific rotator cuff strengthening exercises". In fact the outcome of surgery was worse.

This study was published in the Medical Research Unit of Ringkjoebing County in Denmark.

Clinical Context:

The incidence of rotator cuff tendonitis in primary care has been described as high, varying from 3.2 to 4.2 per 1,000 person-years in comparison with shoulder pain, which has an incidence of 11.2 per 1,000 person-years.

Rotator cuff disease with subacromial impingement is graded as acute inflammation with tendonitis or bursitis, chronic inflammation, or full rupture.

Treatments are directed at pain control and remedy of the mechanical problem of mismatch between structures in the subacromial space. In primary care, the condition may be managed conservatively with graded physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory medication, or corticosteroid injections.

Surgical treatment consisting of arthroscopic subacromial decompression is being widely adopted, according to the authors, with limited evidence for success compared with specific rotator cuff strengthening exercises.

rotator cuff strengthening exercises

Rotator Cuff Strengthening

Here you will learn everything about Rotator Cuff Strengthening, How to listen to your body when it tells you that Rotator Cuff Strengthening must be incorporated into your exercise rutine and how Rotator Cuff Strengthening can save you from spending a fortune on Dr. fees.